You know what really grinds my gears? Politicians with short memories! I was reading the TJ this weekend along with long winded interim opposition leader Jeannot Volpé’s opinion piece
about how Energy minister Jack Keir was leery of Dion’s Green Shift plan and “because of the impact a carbon tax would have on the province.” He was also questioning (mocking in fact) Keir‘s responsibility towards the best interest of New Brunswickers.
Anyone remember the Orimulsion fiasco??? That was under the ever so watchful eye of Volpé himself. Was dealing with a country of the verge of civil war in the best interest of New Brunswickers? That’s the same Volpé who went on a 30 hour filibustering rant in the Legislature on the regional Health authorities this pass session. That’s the same Volpé who referred some Liberal ministers to Fidel and Raoul Castro and the Moncton Irish mafia. But, when Mike Murphy referred to Volpé, Percy Mockler and Madelaine Dube as the Madawaska mafia! By golly he wanted to sue them because he has Italian roots!
I know these things go on from both sides but Volpé really gets my goat because he has the same arrogance towards people as Bernie Lord. He has been giving out his opinion in newspapers constantly for the last year with nothing but pure criticism and no suggestions.
Listen, I don’t know if the Liberals are on the right track but at least they tackled the tough shit; Education, Health and Energy. Time will tell if these roads were worth taking but at least they’re doing something.
about how Energy minister Jack Keir was leery of Dion’s Green Shift plan and “because of the impact a carbon tax would have on the province.” He was also questioning (mocking in fact) Keir‘s responsibility towards the best interest of New Brunswickers.
Anyone remember the Orimulsion fiasco??? That was under the ever so watchful eye of Volpé himself. Was dealing with a country of the verge of civil war in the best interest of New Brunswickers? That’s the same Volpé who went on a 30 hour filibustering rant in the Legislature on the regional Health authorities this pass session. That’s the same Volpé who referred some Liberal ministers to Fidel and Raoul Castro and the Moncton Irish mafia. But, when Mike Murphy referred to Volpé, Percy Mockler and Madelaine Dube as the Madawaska mafia! By golly he wanted to sue them because he has Italian roots!
I know these things go on from both sides but Volpé really gets my goat because he has the same arrogance towards people as Bernie Lord. He has been giving out his opinion in newspapers constantly for the last year with nothing but pure criticism and no suggestions.
Listen, I don’t know if the Liberals are on the right track but at least they tackled the tough shit; Education, Health and Energy. Time will tell if these roads were worth taking but at least they’re doing something.
An opposition with some alternatives instead of just criticism would be welcomed. Robert MacLeod is talking about reversing the government's decision to scrap EFI. Uh, okay but what replaces it? The old failed system the PC's did nothing to fix while in power?
By the way??
No hard feeling but I rejected that FREDFM comment.
Your mind was at the right place but I don't advertise their work in my blog.
Maybe once they get rid of their station Managar?
Keep up the good work!!!
My point exactly Spinks.
Plus you just gave me an idea for a new feed.
Thanks for dropping in.
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