Just wanted to add these two great quotes;
You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom. You can only be free if I am free.
Only a fool would try to deprive working men and working women of their right to join the union of their choice.
From: David Amos david.raymond.amos@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 16:16:15 -0300
Subject: GCN and Dr Bill Deagle's talk radio show, Some folks will say my name now EH Chucky Lelanc?
To: Byron Prior alltrue@nl.rogers.com, "oldmaison@yahoo.com" oldmaison@yahoo.com, Dan Fitzgerald danf@danf.net, Richard Harris injusticecoalition@hotmail.com, gypsy-blog gypsy-blog@hotmail.com, "nb. premier" nb.premier@gmail.com, nbpolitico nbpolitico@gmail.com, "t.j.burke@gnb.ca" t.j.burke@gnb.ca, tim4nm tim4nm@gmail.com, "tomp. young" tomp.young@atlanticradio.rogers.com, Tony Anderson tonyanderson40@eastlink.ca
Cc: webo webo@xplornet.com, DannyWilliams DannyWilliams@gov.nl.ca, "dan. bussieres" dan.bussieres@gnb.ca, "carl. davies" carl.davies@gnb.ca, david david@davidmyles.com
Veritas Vincit
David Raymond Amos
There are the educated. There are the uneducated, the stupid and then there are, the blue collar "guys".
You are what you do. You are defined by your education. You are what you owe. You know only what a paper with your educational CV says you know.
That is reality. Reality is NO ONE wants their kids to be.....you or blue collar or anything resembling that.
Reality is..... NO ONE can succeed as "blue collar" anywhere but Alberta.
There something "Darwinian" about societies, provinces in Canada and unionized workers. Thousands of CAW workers in Eastern Kanada want us in the west to pay for their "blue collar" 75 dollar an hour jobs.
Imagine the "blue collar" loser "cabbie" in Fat Fred City paying the wages of some fat wop in Oshawa.
I have two children, one is at McGill Law and one at the faculty of business at U Vic....thank God they will not be "blue collar" or a "little guy" on the lower rungs of the food chain.
How "Taliban" Jack wanted sit at the cool kids table
"Taliban" Jack Layton last fall wanted to sit at the "grown-ups" table, and he wanted to save federal funding of his party at the same time. He, Stephan Dion and Gilles Dueceppe succceeded only at being able to stay at the public trough.
The very open coup d' etat was only partially successful. Parliament was perogued. Dion is gone, Taliban Jack has no seat at the cabinet table and Bloc Quebecois members still every day in Question Period whine a"demand" for more, for that "great nation" Quebec.
The educated, the entrepenures and the hard working in western Canada still pay for the social programmes of the lay abouts and the lay about provinces of eastern Kanada. The social programmes for the "blue collar" losers of New Brunswick and the great unwashed "cabbies" of "fat fred city".
In eastern Kanada there is provincial sales tax, the GST and or the harmonized tax and in Alberta there is the FLAT TAX. Success is not punnished. Some years ago Premier Ralph Klein REFORMED social assistance...he lowered the rated and cut off those that did not find a job in a reasonable time...in short he stopped lazy folks from having their parents and kids abusing the hard work of decent people.
Some say all that did was send the scum to BC where social assistance is generous and more tolerant of life's losers. If that was the case....good.
Whilst the reccession is hitting Canada, we do NOT have the problems the US and the EU have. In Canada the banks are the strongest in the world due to our regulation of them. There is NOT sub-prime morgage issues....because there is no such thing as sub-prime morgages in Canada.
The reccession is affecting eastern Kanada far more than Alberta, Saskatchewan and BC . Notwithstanding that, polls show that the liberals have NOT made substantive gains in popularity. Indeed polls show eastern Kanadians APPROVE of the Harper government's handling of the economy. Here in western Canada we have never approved of the Liberals, nor the NDP.
The economy shows minute signs of recovery......And still the "blue collar" little guys and their provinces in eastern Kanada...still have their hand out. And "Taliban Jack....still sits at the kiddies table.
Another freak show blogger. I thought of answering you would be worth the time but I guess not.
The losers you arrant and rave about are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep, idiot. And you have the galls to call yourself an intellectual! God save us all.
No... YOU don't do anything for us. Notwithstanding the socialist falsehoods...you do nothing you are not paid for. YOU do only what you are qualified to do and YOUR 'contribution" to society is commisserate with that.
YOU do NOT guard us. I served over twenty years as a CF officer...I guarded and now I teach.
YOU try to wax socialist. YOU try to angrandize ...the "little guy".
The reality is: One is what one does, what is one owes, what one owns and what one's CV says he is.
Here endeth the lesson
I hope that you are referring to Mr Bacon Fat and not mean old me.
I have no lesson to learn from someone as closed minded as you.
I respect your service to our CF but not the teaching of your so-called beliefs. God help us all if someone actually listens to you.
YOU are what is failing society.
Accomplished boozer, eh? Maybe that explains a lot.
Conversation done whack-o!
I was referring to Seren
I know. And for the record I wholehartedly agree with you
Perhaps you and I should talk ASAP
506 756 8687
Still playing with cows...it seems
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