I posted a comment in the TJ today to freelancing reporter Charles W. Moore. In his opinion piece Autoworkers' 'concessions' are a bad joke . He goes on a rant and rave on how the Canadian Auto Workers union could have taken so many more cuts to help save the auto industry. What Moore doesn’t understand is that CAW does not want to set a precedent. It’s too easy for companies of this magnitude to simply cut into workers wages. It’s the fastest way also. Unfortunately, once these cuts are made, workers never get them back no matter how successful the company gets afterwards.
What CAW is trying to insure is that close to 97,000 auto workers remain part of Ontario’s economy. CAW represents unionized autoworkers at plants in Windsor, Oshawa, St. Catherine’s and Woodstock. We are talking about roughly over $5.3 billion in salaries. Now I am not sure what kind of economic windfall these salaries generate but it’s pretty safe to say approximately over $12 billion. How’s that for reality?
What a lot of people don’t understand is that if people make $50,000 a year they usually end up with bills to match it. Cut their salaries but their debts are still there. It also means, no paved driveways, no patios built, no houses renovated, no pools installed, no travelling vacations, no lawn care etc... That affects a lot of small businesses too, get the picture? Union workers put the survival of their communities before the survival of their employers.
I’ve had one moron answer me with this;
“It also means, no paved driveways, no patios built, no houses renovated, no pools installed, no travelling vacations, no lawn care etc . . ."
S. Renkosovich. you have clearly shown that you are as far out of touch as Lewenza. A lot of Canadians can't afford the things you list off. And yet, you sound like you are entitled to these things because you are a union member?
Freddy Rose, Saint John on 12/03/09 10:50:37 AM ADT
Freddy Rose, Saint John on 12/03/09 10:50:37 AM ADT
I'd love to meet Freddy Rose in a dark alley so I could give him a good dose of reality.
I have no patience for these bleeding heart slackers who believe everyone is entitled to a free ride. I’d love to see these pen-pushers try working in their offices while chlorine is passed through their air conditioners and there’s a corroded acid line running above their heads.
Too many people don’t realize that if it wasn’t for unions, non-unionized workers would be working for even less today.
Too many people don’t realize that if it wasn’t for unions, non-unionized workers would be working for even less today.
Anyway, I am too pissed off to continue.
*taken from a Gordie Johnson/Big Sugar song
The CAW for years has abused the entire concept of "collective bargaining". "sector negotiations", "strike targets" and abject corruption has made the Canadian Auto Workers a significant reason explaining the collapse of the North American auto industry. n short these "people" "slit the throat" of the golden goose.
Now these union animals want the tax payers of Ontario and Canada to bail out their ten spa days a year jobs...why would the people of any province outside of Ontario want to do that?
Monday, May 11, 2009
The poor blue collar assholes of New Brunswick and Ontario
Unions and Unionized workers are all thieves and assholes. Ken Lewenza and the rest of his gangsters want the Canadian taxpayer to bailout auto manufacturers and save their 75.00 an hour jobs.
Meet "L". "L" is 46 years old and a single mother. Twenty -four years ago "L" became pregnant as a result of "a one night stand". After much anguish and soul searching "L" decided that she could NOT terminate the pregancy. Most men do not want a ready made family, and so "L" remained single and her son was or is much loved, adored, well raised...and now at twenty-four that young man is about graduate (this month) from the University of Alberta.
"L" and her much loved son lived in the same two bedroom basement suite for twenty years. "L" has never made more than thirteen dollars an hour...but her son always played sports was educated had a wonderful life and THEY never asked for anything. Every year "L" takes an extra job and to pay for buying RRSPs to reduce her federal tax, to increase her refund which is well needed. She sews on the side.
Now...the "little guys" the "blue collar" guys have their hands out to"L" and the millions of "L"s in Canada....Bailout their 75.00 an hour jobs. Canadian Auto Workers take their kids to Diseny Land..."L" and millions of others could not and can't take their kids to "the magic kingdom"
The taxpayers of Saskatchewan (next year country) Alberta and the single mothers of Canada have to pay to bail out the "little guys" the blue collar family guys" so they can make up to 75.00 an hour and have ten spa days, or have their legal bills taken care of. The Lay-abouts of New Brunswick or the social programmes of Ontario and eastern Kanada.
I hope you little guys, you family guys, you blue collar maifesto guys...are proud of yourselves.
Posted by Seren at 7:26 AM 0 comments
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