The travels imposed on me the last few weeks has hampered my time allotted to this blog but I don’t believe I have offended too many. Travel has not limited my time towards reading the local paper though and one of the most interesting issues, for me anyway, has been the conversations about double-breasting.
If you recall, last summer Justice and Consumer Affairs Minister, T. J. Burke, introduced a new Labour Act designed to stop construction-company owners from opening a second non-union company after the original operation becomes unionized.
As someone who has worker experience in Ontario mines, Alberta oil and construction in BC and the Maritimes, I applauded this decision with enthusiasm. Working on construction fields, oil fields and underground poses extreme dangers for its workers. Cold, heat, long hours, smoke, fire, wind, rain and I could keep going on, are all obstructions that a field worker must deal with. There is great pride in working with your hands, with your body, and seeing your accomplishments grow before your eyes.
Unfortunately, the construction industry is a very demanding one. Everyone wants things made quick and fast. Time is money!! It is also the most cut-throat business I have ever witness. Companies will threaten you, co-workers will backstab you and supervisors will step on you, literally. I am a union man and very proud of it. What is going on in New Brunswick right now is fantastic. This little province is in the beginning of great things to come, lots of construction, lots of work and lots of opportunities which translate into lots of money. But with money comes greed. I’ve seen guys connive their way into working 26-28 hour days and I’ve seen supervisors bully guys into working extra hours at straight time. Small construction companies will survive with ease this economic growth because there will always be someone who’s willing to pay. Time is money! Big companies will hire small companies to get their work done on time. It’s always worked this way and it always will.
In the Telegraph-Journal on Sept. 23, Executive director of the Saint John Construction Association, Pat Darrah, said the double-breasting legislation was "overkill."
I totally disagree because I don’t support these money hungry executive of the construction business. He’s the type that like to say - if you don’t work my way there’s three more bodies waiting to take your place. There will be lots of jobs coming but we need to protect our unions for the sake of everybody.
If you recall, last summer Justice and Consumer Affairs Minister, T. J. Burke, introduced a new Labour Act designed to stop construction-company owners from opening a second non-union company after the original operation becomes unionized.
As someone who has worker experience in Ontario mines, Alberta oil and construction in BC and the Maritimes, I applauded this decision with enthusiasm. Working on construction fields, oil fields and underground poses extreme dangers for its workers. Cold, heat, long hours, smoke, fire, wind, rain and I could keep going on, are all obstructions that a field worker must deal with. There is great pride in working with your hands, with your body, and seeing your accomplishments grow before your eyes.
Unfortunately, the construction industry is a very demanding one. Everyone wants things made quick and fast. Time is money!! It is also the most cut-throat business I have ever witness. Companies will threaten you, co-workers will backstab you and supervisors will step on you, literally. I am a union man and very proud of it. What is going on in New Brunswick right now is fantastic. This little province is in the beginning of great things to come, lots of construction, lots of work and lots of opportunities which translate into lots of money. But with money comes greed. I’ve seen guys connive their way into working 26-28 hour days and I’ve seen supervisors bully guys into working extra hours at straight time. Small construction companies will survive with ease this economic growth because there will always be someone who’s willing to pay. Time is money! Big companies will hire small companies to get their work done on time. It’s always worked this way and it always will.
In the Telegraph-Journal on Sept. 23, Executive director of the Saint John Construction Association, Pat Darrah, said the double-breasting legislation was "overkill."
I totally disagree because I don’t support these money hungry executive of the construction business. He’s the type that like to say - if you don’t work my way there’s three more bodies waiting to take your place. There will be lots of jobs coming but we need to protect our unions for the sake of everybody.
Saint John MLA Abel LeBlanc knew what he was talking about. (See my August Blog) The return of the unions is very near my friends. We just need to keep the money grubbers out of them.
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