I have waited to get engaged in this debate which has simply turned into a bitching session.So I got online at Lower Rates for NBer's and stood on my own soapbox. I like how some people seem to think that all these experts amount to a hill of beans. Like since when is Joe Blow or John Doe experts on experts.
First and foremost I'd like to call out anyone who's been attacking James at GNB, Jean at GNB. Shame on you. Obiviously they have a job to do and I believe they stuck to it. They answered questions with facts and never said this was a "great" deal or this will be "fantastic" they just gave out the facts to which everybody is privy to in the MOU or the Assessment of the rates Impact. I for one respect that.
Secondly, why would anyone in governemnt try to ruin NB? They all live here, their families and friends too. Enough of the conspiricy theories ok. Give it a rest.
I don't think this is a bad deal. Granted, I am worried about the pensions of the NB Power workers. But I think their union is strong to enough to find a resolution to that. I am really not worried about Quebec seperating, even if they do, business remains business. Damn, we deal with countries like Columbia and Venezuela. Quebec is the least of our problems.
I am also worried about the future of the Mactaquac dam. I know it will need lots of $$$ to refurbish it and HQ will cover the cost but what if the Federal Gov't passes some ecological bill and says it has to be dismantled? I'd like some answer on that one.
Point is hydro power is the cheapest in the world and Quebec has the most of it. Why should we spend money to make it when it's cheaper to buy?
That's my 2 cents worth.
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