I have added a new site to my favourite blogs. It’s called The Agitator by Radley Balko. I found it very interesting as that it appeases my liberalism appetite. I have never been in terms, a big "L" liberal, but I do believe in our rights as citizens of the world and as human beings.
Reading The Agitator really opened up a lot more sites I basically heard of but never really read. One of these is the Free State Project (FSP) based in New Hampshire. If you’re interested you can read about this idea here;
Free State Project.
In short, this is part of their idea;
The Free State Project is an agreement among 20,000 pro-liberty activists to move to New Hampshire, where they will exert the fullest practical effort toward the creation of a society in which the maximum role of government is the protection of life, liberty, and property. The success of the Project would likely entail reductions in taxation and regulation, reforms at all levels of government, to expand individual rights and free markets, and a restoration of constitutional federalism, demonstrating the benefits of liberty to the rest of the nation and the world.
Another great site I found is the Hittman Chronicles by Dave Hitt
Unfortunately, the last thing he wrote was dated May 2008.
In one article, he mentioned the FSP site and finished with this;
“Change on a national level is impossible. Congress is a wholly owned subsidiary of corporations and well funded special interests, and there's no way to change that. There needs to be at least one place left in the world where freedom loving people can go without being constantly stomped on by Big Brother.
Will it (the Free State Project) work? Yes, because I really want to move somewhere where I can go to a bar and light up a cigar without being guilty of a felony.”
Now I realize there’s more to this whole thing than that last phrase, but it brings to mind, when we think of it, that we are constantly being corralled somewhere whether we like it or not by a group or an organization wielding some powerful influence on our governments.
I don't know about you but I am fed up of being spoon fed ideals that I don't believe in.
But that's only my opinion.