I don't know why people are so mad at the government for these new rules conserning young drivers. M.A.D.D. is the organization who relentlessly pressured the government to impose these laws. Oh, and by the way, more of these are coming.
At the moment, If you are caught DUI, you automatically lose your licence for a year. It is now a zero acceptance policy ruling. Thing is, many people who never had a prior DUI or even a criminal record are finding themselves caught in this situation. It affects their jobs, their relationships, their children’s activity lifestyle as well as their own personal life. I don’t believe all people caught on a DUI started the day saying; I’m going to get drunk and drive later on!
I am all for stopping drinking and driving but I don’t like where this zero acceptance policy is going.Last year, the founder of MADD Candy Lightner resigned from her position as chairperson because she felt the organization was moving away with its original ideals and growing more neo-prohibitionist. Furthermore, MADD is now pressuring the auto industry to install alcohol interlock devices in all new factory-built cars. Closer to home, they are now pressuring the Canadian provinces into making it law that people under 21 could not drive alone as well as drink legally. Again, I don't condone in anyway drinking and driving. Click this for a little reality check;
I think that’s going too far.
Things that make you say…WTF!
Peace brother
PS here’s another few sites that are worth reading.