My, my, never a boring day at our Legislative Assembly. Yes, I am going to comment on Tory MLA Carl Urquhart but I have a point to make, of course. First and foremost I need to say I was pleasantly surprised that the York representative was on Facebook and that he takes time to answer questions himself. But I don’t know if David Alward think thinks the same way. Yes, its true, Urquhart made the post on his Facebook page after Tuesday's budget that called for another massive deficit.
"Girls we need more babies or we will never be able to support our future," he wrote.
Here's the link;
Liberal MLA Joan MacAlpine-Stiles brought him to task and he apologized but was it an honest apology or a ultimatum by his boss? I also heard him on CBC with Terry Seguin this morning and almost pissed the bed when I heard Homer Urquhart trying to explain to Terry exactly what was going through his head at that moment. Carl, what were you thinking?
Funny thing is Margret-Ann Blaney and Madelaine Dubé, both strong women’s right supporters, had absolutely nothing to say about the whole thing. Now, to suggest to New Brunswick's young women that their only role in society and their only contribution to the New Brunswick economy is to have babies is demeaning and outdated thinking, especially since the last two governments have well promoted equality for women and rightfully so.
Well although, Urquhart did face the music. He rose and said he didn't mind apologizing, and withdrew "whatever MacAlpine-Stiles was offended by.”
But during Question Period, Urquhart's remark was brought up by Premier Shawn Graham and asked Opposition Leader David Alward to correct him on two occasions and again later by House Leader Mike Murphy on a point of order.
Now, the next thing I want to bring up is that Homer Urquhart was ranting and raving about how NB needs more people and he is absolutely right. But isn’t that what the Graham government is trying to accomplish by selling NB Power to Hydro-Quebec?
The Premier has stated over and over, that the population of New Brunswick needs to grow. That’s why the Liberals are continuing to invest in economic stimulus. Lower power rates and lower taxes for industries will bring in more businesses. More businesses means more jobs, more people and better lifestyles. At least the Liberals have looked farther than their first four year mandate and had vision enough to look towards 2026. Vision enough to understand that NB Power has grown too big, and in the wrong direction, for New Brunswick to operate. Vision enough to realize that the whole of NB Power includes its crumbling assets.
As for Homer, well he said he may not post comments on Facebook as much from now on. I think that might be a good idea for the friendly Tory MLA and I am sure David Alward agrees.
Well that's my two cents,